Friday, July 20, 2012

Why moderate parties never last

Moderate third parties can never work because they don’t elicit the passion that is needed for donations of time, money, op-eds, social networking salons, etc.  I guess the problem is that there is an inverse relationship between being passionate and being right. 

Although it is sad, there is actually a scientific explanation for that.  Extreme views are extreme because they don’t make tradeoffs.  You take just one dimension, decide which side you want to be on, and then don’t make any adjustments for mediating dimensions like technical feasibility or cost.  Or (perish the thought!) people who are on the other side.  And because you are locked and loaded on a single dimension, it is very easy to explain, talk about, see examples of where it is being followed or not followed, etc.  Simple. 

But as with most things in our complicated work, no important issues are simple.  There are always nuances.  But nuance is harder to explain, talk about, or recognize when you see it.  These views don’t fit on a picket sign.  They don’t make very good 5-word sound bites or slogans.  Proponents can’t follow a prophet into the promised land.

And so here we are.  Failed policies that are too extreme to work. Single-issue politicians who are too one-dimensional and committed to their extreme position to get anything done.  And an electorate that just contributes to the situation. 

Is there a solution?  I would love to see one appear in the comments below!!!  Please – be my middle path messiah.

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