Tuesday, December 29, 2009

science is just no fun anymore

Just what we need, another reason to fall behind the BRIC countries. This paper reports that the science disciplines set up creative and inventive people to fail because the process to become an independent researcher is so tedious, boring, and time consuming.

Happy Birthday Ronald Coase

I have always been a Pigouvian, but Coase had some great insights into methods for eliminating externalities - which is a geeky way to say making life fair through policy.

No wonder he won a Nobel.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Macroeconomics and Fed policy

Another intelligent debate, this one on macroeconomics. I can't afford the time to add a new blog to my daily list (it seems he posts multiple topics per day), but I may not be able to help myself.

Intelligent Health Care debate

It's too bad that all debates on health care reform are not as intelligent as this one. Steven Landsburg's blog is one of my favorites and I am going to have to check out Cutler.