Monday, December 25, 2006

don't believe everything you read

I read an article last week that really opened my eyes to why the world is such as mess. Unfortunately it was in The Economist so I can't post a free link. But here is the gist:

Many of the things we think we can do to make the world a better place may not really work, and may actually do more harm than good. For example, there are scientists who claim that organic farming is not better than standard because of lower yields - more land is needed to create the same amount of food. It also requires more energy to cultivate, creating more greenhouse gases.

The article also describes initiatives like Fair Trade, and buying local and presents some reliable sources that discuss how these ideas may make you feel good, but don't achieve the stated goals.

I am not sure how I will react to this in terms of changed behavior. I have always been skeptical, so I have not advocated organic, Fair Trade, or local goods. Now I am even less tempted.

So this is why I think this article illustrates why the world is such a mess. I realize that many people make decisions on these issues (and vote) based on what they want to be true, rather than what is really true. George Bush taking us into Itaq in 2003 is a great example.

But even those of us why try to behave based on the best evidence and reliable sources can't do it. When initiatives I think have reliable data behind them turn out to be useless (and maybe even harmful), I just don't know what to do anymore.

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