Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Alternatives to Prison

I was reading an editorial in the Boston Globe where the author suggested that we could eliminate the overcrowded prison problem as well as save a lot of money by having alternatives to prison.  He suggested it should be the choice of the convicted person, but I am not convinced it has to be that way.  If it were decided by the court, then it may be a better deterrent because the person wouldn't know ahead of time which one he/she would get.

The author suggested flogging as the alternative (severe whipping).  He thought ten lashes would be the equivalent of ten years in prison.  I am not convinced of that either.  But there are many research methods used in the insurance industry that could be used to come up with an equivalent.  I have never been flogged, so I have no idea how painful it is or how long the pain lasts.  But I imagine ten lashes would be a lot less severe than 10 years in prison.

But however the details are worked out, I think it is a good idea.  Clearly, our prisons are overcrowded and we need to find some alternatives.  I there is going to be some number of lashes or waterboarding or whatever that would be the equivalent. 

What do you think?

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